New: ET1 Particulars of Claim template

We believe everyone has the right to justice, especially when their rights have been broken at work. We’ve always been committed to making this process as simple and straightforward as possible. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the release of our new ET1 Particulars of Claim Letter Template.

An ET1 is the first step to bring a claim to the Employment Tribunal. It’s mostly a simple form, but there’s a section called the Particulars of Claim that asks the employee to translate their issue into specific legal claims. That’s an incredibly complex task – especially when you’re dealing with the stresses of having a workplace issue. 

Adding to the stress, getting the Particulars of Claim wrong can have a huge impact on your case later on, even putting it at risk of being struck out or losing on a technicality. 

That’s what we’ve focused on with this innovative template - it not only guides users in getting the right structure and looking professional, but crucially also helps the user translate what happened to them into the language of legal claims. The Valla template walks you through the translation process step-by-step, also flagging important legal tests you’ll need to consider. 

By using our ET1 letter template, you can save time, reduce stress, and ensure that your claim has the best chance of success.

Our template:

  • Is easy to use, even for those who have never filled out an ET1 form before
  • Helps you add the necessary legal information to your claim, reducing the risk of your claim being rejected
  • Saves time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your case
  • Reduces stress and anxiety, knowing that you have filled out the form in the way the Tribunal wants
  • Includes a Peace of Mind check for a legal coach to review it to increase your chance of success.

Get the ET1 Particulars of Claim letter template.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our team is always here to help.