Legal disclaimer

Valla does not provide any legal, tax, financial or any other advice on our website. If seeking legal or other professional advice, you should consult with your own lawyer, other relevant professional adviser, or one of our coaches offering unreserved legal services.

This website and any downloadable documents is a service that provides general legal information and helps individuals and their advisers to run their own legal case. We are not a law firm and our employees are not acting as your lawyer. The information contained in the website should not be taken as legal advice to be applied to your specific factual situation. If you are unsure what steps to take to deal with your legal issue, or are unsure about the specific drafting of a legal document, you should take legal advice from a qualified and regulated solicitor. Using this website does not create or constitute a lawyer-client relationship between Valla or any employee of or other person associated with Valla and a user of the website.

Valla does not provide any guarantee, warranty, indemnity, representation or otherwise take any responsibility for any losses related to your use of the website or any linked sites. Valla does not endorse any content provided by any linked sites or any advertising on the website.

The website is aimed at users within the UK and is therefore not applicable to jurisdictions outside of the UK.

Use of our website is governed by our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Last updated: 19th Feb 2023