Our Team

Katie Sloan

Legal Technologist

I work on developing Valla's key products and platform features, drawing upon my background as an employment lawyer and my tech experience. I am also a Law Society of Scotland Accredited Legal Technologist. My role is pretty varied, and I regularly work with most of the Valla team for various different reasons - as my role touches tech, product, content and other business areas too.

I took quite an unusual route into the world of tech! Before Valla, I spent 10 years studying and working in the legal industry. During that time, I worked at multiple major law firms as an employment lawyer, across England and Scotland. After that, I trained as a software developer, in order to further my creative side and my passion for problem-solving. 

Having worked in commercial law firms as a solicitor, I’ve been aware of the increasing importance of (and need for) legal tech. What I love about Valla is that it makes everyone’s lives easier - it can be used by individual people who are having a tough time at work, as well as their lawyers and advisors. 

Why I joined Valla: I heard about Valla after completing an intensive software development course. I was looking for a role that would combine my legal background with my tech knowledge. After meeting our co-founders Danae and Kate, I knew straight away that I wanted to work here! In my role at Valla, I love the challenge of creating solutions to help people deal with their legal issues more effectively.

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