Employment law changes coming in April 2024

This April will bring encouraging updates to UK employment law. From pay increases to more flexible working conditions, these changes are designed to better support workers and improve work environments. Let’s take a closer look at what these changes entail and how they might impact you.

Boost in National Minimum Wage

Effective 1 April 2024, the national minimum wage will rise from £10.42 to £11.44. This is an increase of nearly 10% and applies to UK workers aged 21 and over, whereas previously it applied to those aged 23 and older. Minimum wages for younger workers and apprentices rise too.

More details on the increase to National Minimum wage.

Unpaid carer’s leave

From 6 April 2024, employees will be entitled to take one week of unpaid leave each year from their first day of employment to give or make arrangements for a person that relies on them for care. This provides crucial support for employees managing caregiving responsibilities alongside their work commitments.

Learn more about carer’s leave.

Flexible working

Employees will have the immediate right to request flexible working arrangements from their first day of employment, effective April 6th, 2024. This eliminates the previous six-month waiting period. They can make up to two requests per year, with employers expected to handle these requests promptly and fairly.

Find out more about flexible working requests.

Enhanced redundancy protection

From 6 April 2024, pregnant employees will benefit from enhanced redundancy protection, extending from the moment they disclose their pregnancy until 18 months after childbirth. This measure ensures additional support during significant life events.

Explore enhanced redundancy protection further.

Paternity leave

From 6 April 2024, paternity leave will consist of two separate one-week periods, with a reduced notice period of 28 days before the Expected Week of Childbirth. This adjustment aims to facilitate greater involvement of fathers in the early stages of their child's life.

Learn the details about paternity leave.

Holiday pay

Starting from the first holiday year after 1 April 2024, holiday pay will be adjusted for irregular hours and part-year workers. Holiday entitlement and pay will be calculated based on 12.07% of hours worked, simplifying calculations for employers and employees alike.

Look into holiday pay changes.

These updates represent important steps towards creating a more supportive and flexible working environment.
