
Feeling worried about a situation at work, or want to know if something that happened to you might be illegal?

We've got you covered.


Your rights at work

Everyone has rights in the workplace. When employed, employee rights are the moral or legal entitlement an employee has that ensures fair treatment in the workplace.

Discrimination at work

Discrimination is treating you unfairly because of who you are. The Equality Act 2010 protects you from discrimination by your employer.

Protected characteristics

People in England, Scotland and Wales are protected from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010 based on nine ‘protected characteristics’.

Employment tribunal

The Employment Tribunal is a UK court responsible for hearing claims from people who think their employer has treated them unlawfully. These guides will explain how the court works and how to make a tribunal claim.


Dismissal is when your employer ends your contract of employment. You might also call it being ‘sacked’ or ‘fired’.


A redundancy is a particular type of dismissal which happens when a job is no longer needed by the employer.

Bullying at work

There is no legal definition that defines workplace bullying, but it can be described as unwanted behaviour that can cause someone either physical or mental harm.

Direct discrimination

Direct discrimination at work happens when an employee with a protected characteristic is treated less favourably than if they didn’t have that protected characteristic.

Indirect discrimination

Indirect discrimination happens when your workplace has a policy or a rule that can treat a group with a protected characteristic negatively compared to a group without that characteristic.

Grievances at work

A grievance is a formal way to make a complaint to your employer about a problem at work. If you have been unable to resolve your issue through informal means, a grievance can help get your employer to take the problem more seriously.


A settlement is an agreement between you and your employer to resolve your workplace problem. Usually, a settlement agreement means that you are paid a sum of money in return for either not starting an Employment Tribunal claim, or withdrawing a Tribunal claim that you’ve already started.

Working time and unpaid wages

Your employment contract typically states your normal working hours and pay. If you feel like you’re regularly working past your contract hours or your pay is not being accurately calculated, these guides may help you understand your legal options.

All guide articles

Is my claim vexatious?

Your employer might label your claim ‘vexatious’ to scare you into dropping your case. We explain what a vexatious claim really is and why your claim is unlikely to be vexatious if you’re acting in good faith.

What are my rights on a zero-hour contract?

Discover your rights on zero-hour contracts: understand protections, worker vs. employee distinctions, and implications of misclassification.

What to expect during a Tribunal hearing

We explore three ways you can experience what a Tribunal hearing is really like, so you can better prepare for yours.

Gaslighting at work: how to protect yourself with contemporaneous notes

Discover how creating contemporaneous notes can safeguard you from your gaslighting boss.

Workplace bullying in the UK: your comprehensive 5-step guide

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a different way to think about bullying at work and how to deal with it in five steps. You'll use systems available in every UK workplace and your rights as a worker, and will build confidence with each step.

Self representation is surging in Employment Tribunals - 7 tools that can help

Nearly 1 in 3 Employment Tribunal cases are now brought by claimants who are representing themselves. These “litigants in person” face a complex, confusing system, but there are tools and resources that can help. 

What does “just and equitable” mean in an Employment Tribunal claim?

Asking for an extension to file your claim is difficult, but not impossible. Learn how you may be able to do this.

What to do if your grievance fails

So your grievance at work failed - now what? Here's some options to help you get the issue resolved.

Document checklist

Learn more about what documents you need for your case.

What you can do if you’re being bullied at work

Learn how to properly complain about bullying in the workplace, from informal complaints to leveraging reputational and legal risks.

When is bullying at work illegal?

Unfortunately, bullying in the UK isn't illegal. Except in two specific cases. Learn one way when bullying in the workplace is illegal.

5 ways to stand up to your employer

Standing up to your employer when something bad has happened can be scary. Here are 5 things you can do to protect yourself and your rights at work.

What's the difference between the strike out, unless order, and deposit order in an Employment Tribunal?

Learn how to react to these three tactics that employers often use to intimidate you, drop your claim, or get the court to just throw the claim out.

What are my rights after I've been made redundant?

Your employer has a responsibility to treat you fairly while you're made redundant. Check out what rights you have when you've been made redundant.

What is a Protective Award?

One of the ways your employer can screw you over is by not consulting you if you’ve been made redundant as part of a mass redundancy. Learn about the Protective Award that compensates you for this!

What is a Case Management Agenda?

Don't get confused by Case Management Agendas. Learn how to properly fill one in so you don't mess up your Preliminary Hearing.

How to tell if bullying is illegal

Not all bullying at work is illegal. This guide will help you understand the law, so you can stand up for yourself and get the help you need.

How do Employment Tribunals work? A short introduction

In 60 seconds, we explain how Employment Tribunals work and what you can expect if you decide to make a claim.

What is automatic unfair dismissal?

Learn how automatic unfair dismissal works, and how you might be able to claim it.

The importance of understanding your type of grievance

Know the difference between complaining at work about something that's morally wrong or legally wrong.

How to use a "Without Prejudice" letter to settle with your employer

A "Without Prejudice" letter can help you resolve your employment issue without having to go to a Tribunal. Learn how you can negotiate with your employer using one.

How you can gather evidence for your discrimination claim

Learn about contemporaneous evidence and how you can use it for your discrimination claim.

How to figure out how much to settle for

Learn how to calculate a settlement agreement with your employer.

What is the ACAS uplift in Employment Tribunal?

You might have heard about the 'ACAS uplift' in Employment Tribunals, but what is it and how can it affect your claim?

What is an ET3 in Employment Tribunal?

Learn what an ET3 is, and what you need to do when you get one from your employer.

What to do in the first 24 hours after you’ve lost your job

Losing your job, especially unexpectedly, can be a hard adjustment. Learn how you can set yourself up for success within the first 24 hours of losing your job.

Settlement agreements - what they are, and how to get one

Are you thinking about entering into a settlement agreement with your employer? Learn what exactly a settlement agreement is, and how to get one.

How to get a good deal in a settlement agreement

When trying to reach a settlement agreement with your employer, it can be difficult to know if you're getting a good deal. Learn how to get a good settlement agreement.

How to disclose evidence in an Employment Tribunal claim

In an Employment Tribunal claim, you will usually be asked to send your evidence documents to your employer. Learn how to disclose evidence in a Tribunal claim.

Collecting evidence for Tribunal: what can I use, and what should I watch out for?

Good evidence is the backbone of any Tribunal claim. Learn where to look for evidence, what mistakes you could make and what you should be careful using at Tribunal.

What evidence do I need for my Employment Tribunal claim?

Strong evidence is key to succeeding in your Employment Tribunal claim. Learn what documents you need to start building your case for a Tribunal claim.

37 documents you may encounter during your Employment Tribunal claim (and what they mean)

Here are 37 documents you might encounter during your Employment Tribunal journey and when they might come up.

How to keep yourself well when you're running your own Employment Tribunal case

Taking your employer to Tribunal can be physically and mentally draining. Here are five practical ways to keep yourself well while going through the Tribunal process.

I’ve been dismissed because I took steps to avoid Covid - what are my rights?

If you refuse to do something at work because you believe it puts your health at risk from Covid and then you’re dismissed, what are your rights?

Employment Tribunal isn’t like the telly - here are 7 differences that may surprise you

Will your Tribunal be like Judge Rinder, Suits, or Better Call Saul? Learn the difference between reality and telly when it comes to Employment Tribunals.

Treated unfairly at work? Here’s how to show your employer you mean business

When you’re treated badly at work and want your employer to make it right, it’s hard to know what to do next. Learn how to show your employer you mean business.

Five tough feelings you may encounter during the Employment Tribunal process (and why they are normal)

Representing yourself at Employment Tribunal can be an emotional process. Here are the key emotions that people feel as they go through the process.

Can I be forced back into the office after remote working?

As many companies revert to traditional office working, you might feel uneasy about going back. But can you employer force you to?

Manage your case like a lawyer: what great project management looks like for Employment Tribunals

The key to success at Employment Tribunal is great project management - not having a good solicitor. Learn 5 ways to manage your case like a lawyer.

What to do if you’ve been underpaid

Does your employer owe you money, or is your hourly rate too low? We look at the different ways you can be underpaid and explain how to get your money back.

What is the law around working hours and what does it mean for you?

It's not uncommon to work more than what you're contractually obligated to do. Understand your rights around work hours to recognise if you're being overworked.

How much time do I have? Deadlines and timescales around Employment Tribunals

If you’re thinking about making a claim in the Employment Tribunal, you’ll need to move quickly. Learn about some of the key time requirements for a Tribunal claim.

What is workplace harassment and how is it different from bullying?

Bullying, harassment and discrimination have distinct meanings in UK law. Learn the differences, so you can gather the best evidence to defend yourself.

What is victimisation at work?

In the UK, there are laws to protect you from being disadvantaged because you’ve stood up against discrimination. Learn about victimisation now.

What are my rights returning to work after maternity leave?

Pregnancy and maternity is a protected characteristic under UK law, but discrimination still happens. We answer some common questions surrounding maternity leave.

What is the difference between direct and indirect discrimination?

The Equality Act 2010 classifies “direct” and “indirect” discrimination separately. Learn how to identify the different types of discrimination to help your case.

When can I claim constructive dismissal?

If you've resigned or thinking of resigning because of a toxic culture or bad workplace behaviour, learn how you could potentially claim constructive dismissal.

I’ve been dismissed: what are my rights?

If you’ve lost your job, your first thought might be “was it fair”? In this article, we’ll help you understand if your dismissal was lawful and explain your rights.

How to fill in your ET1 Employment Tribunal claim form

The ET1 form is the first step in your Employment Tribunal case. It’s important to get it right to help save yourself time and hassle.

Your employer’s legal obligations when you file a tribunal claim

Taking your employer to an Employment Tribunal? Or just thinking about it? Learn what you can legally expect from your employer when filing a claim.

What can I ask for when I raise a grievance?

If you raise a formal grievance at work, you should always think about what you want the outcome to be. Here are some possible solutions to common grievances.

How to raise a formal grievance

Raising a formal grievance can help resolve work issues or be the first step for an Employment Tribunal case. Learn the best ways to approach your grievance letter.

The 9 protected characteristics

The Equality Act 2010 protects people against discrimination. The Act lists 9 ‘protected characteristics’ including age, gender, race, disability, religion and more.

How to support friends having a tough time at work

Helping your friend or family member through work-related issues can be tricky. Find out how best you can support them during these tough times.

Healthy vs. toxic work environments: understanding the difference

Are you going through a bad time at work or is it just a bad place to work? Learn the differences between a healthy or toxic workplace culture.

Your employer's obligations when you have a grievance at work

When you're dealing with a difficult situation at work, it's hard to know what to expect from your employer. Learn the typical procedure for raising a grievance.