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Use emotions to help (not hinder) workplace disputes
Our CEO, Danae Shell is joined by behaviour and dispute experts, Debbie Androlia and Graeme Gregory from The Thrivelihood.
Video - How to prove constructive dismissal
Taking a stand can feel overwhelming, but you're not in this alone. Get valuable insights from our legal coaches to effectively navigate your constructive dismissal claim.
Video - How to get your grievance taken seriously
A grievance is the first step in solving your workplace issue. Find out how you can complain at work safely, with the help of our legal coaches!
Video - How to get your out-of-time claim heard
Missing your deadline for making a Tribunal claim can be frustrating. But it doesn't have to be over. Find out what you can do if you've gone past your deadline.
Video - How to build your case for disability discrimination
We help you unravel what it means for the Tribunal to recognise your disability and show you why the legislative landscape is important to your claim.
Video - How to calculate injury to feelings for your discrimination case
Calculating injury to feelings compensation can be difficult. In this webinar, we help you understand how to calculate - and justify - your injury to feelings compensation.
Video - How to cross-examine witnesses at your Employment Tribunal
Learn the strategies and techniques Valla's Tribunal coaches use to craft compelling witness statements and cross-examine witnesses at Tribunal!
Lisa Murray: How I took on a top law firm at Tribunal and won
Learn about how Lisa was unfairly dismissed during a redundancy process and what she did after to ensure justice was served.
Donna Patterson: How I represented myself against Morrisons and won £60,000
Learn about how Donna ran her own Tribunal case for unfair dismissal and discrimination and won.
Toxic or illegal? What to do when something bad happens at work
We all have rights at work. But do you know what rights you have? Can you recognise if they've been broken?
How to settle with your employer
Our CEO Danae Shell explains when and how to ask for a settlement, how to work out what to ask for, and useful negotiation tactics.