
Get help with your employment issue

To help you stand up to your employer, Organise has teamed up with Valla — the legal platform for workers.

Drop your name, email and question, and we’ll aim to get back to you within 2-3 business days.

There's no obligation and our advice is free, so don't hesitate to get in touch!

Our customers rate us excellent


Get your story straight, once and for all

No need to keep going over your story again and again - lay out everything that happened in a simple timeline view so you can tell it all clearly.

Upload and organise all your evidence

Organise the emails, documents and messages to make your case, and automatically save all your correspondence into one place.

Generate tribunal and settlement documents

Generate the documents you need, including grievance and grievance appeal letters, the ET1 particulars of claim, witness statements, settlement communications and more.

Get started today

Get access to legal templates, organise your evidence and more.

Our story

photo of Kate Ho and Danae Shell smiling

Kate and Danae are two tech industry leaders based in Scotland. They first met when they worked together at the same startup business, and instantly became friends.

Over the years, they kept in touch. Sometimes offering advice or being a shoulder to cry on. But over and over again, they found their conversations to be about the bullying they had experienced at work. They had also seen colleagues be mistreated, and watched their friends decide not to take action against racist, homophobic, or misogynistic employers because they didn't know what to do or couldn't afford it.

Enough was enough, so in 2019 they started using their tech knowledge to make a better workplace future, and Valla was born.